Wednesday, 28 December 2016

[Article] Stop being visible like this! ~ 5 things to ditch and dump before New Year

Stop being visible like this! ~ Five things to ditch and dump before New Year

If you're not building the visibility traction you want from your ideal clients, or if it feels like people just aren't engaging with your work. 

It's not because you're "bad at what you do". 

It's not even because, "they're clearly not ready to invest with you"

It's more than likely that you're being held in invisibility by one or more of these "dumpable" behaviours. 

Firstly, here's why you're doing this. 

I know you have every good intention of getting something out there because that's what you're supposed to do right? You had every intention of sharing something but behind-the-scenes you're really busy scrambling around trying to get it done, too much to do not enough time.

It's likely that you sought advice, but whose advice exactly have you sought? Is it from a friend? Are relative? Someone that you know, you like you trust? Or is it someone that knows specifically how to achieve the results you're looking for someone who is played at it but someone who knows?

Of course you think it's a good idea!

The world already has a Gary V and somebody who is forthright says what they like, likes what they say. 

But ... you've always been brought up to be polite so when you share your information and spread the word, not only do you want to be polite, you don't want to offend anybody and certainly don't want them to unsubscribe, leave your group or even unfollow you. 

Don't worry! Help is at hand, because I'm about to shine a light on what will work better for you …


1. All mouth no trousers! 

'Watch this space' and 'coming soon', is all well and good if this is something to watch out for and something really is coming soon. For many of the people reading your things, they're in that space now and may not come back soon, let alone even remember to come back soon. 

Check yourself before you wreck yourself! Are you all mouth and no trousers?

Ditch this because: You're putting undue pressure on yourself while accidentally offering empty promises. 

2.Make yourself exclusive

I was once advised by a coach in my early days, to make myself exclusive. I literally took that to mean a business form of playing hard to get. I removed contact details from public places. I made sure that my information was abundant but didn't offer any other next step's or contact me information. 

In short I made myself pretty unavailable, so just check your online and off-line presence, for example if you don't do business cards, how do people you meet in the flesh best get hold of you?

Ask yourself… "How easy are you to get hold of?"

Ditch this because: you're being aloof, not exclusive 

3. Are you vanilla?
Strong people, with a clear message and a strong voice know that there is no point sitting on the fence.

They know who they really are, they own who they really are and they claim (and are proud of) their opinion. Some may agree, some may disagree but this point isn't about being marmite it's about vanilla. 

Are you too middle of the road in how you communicate to those people who both know you and haven't met you yet?

Ditch this because: You've got your own unique flavour, let people taste it

4.  Are you an avid boast poster?
You know the kind of post saying? 

Look at me, look at my shoes, look at my holidays, look at my house, look at me look at me look at me!

Whilst these types of posts have their relevance, they can also be very self-centred, in your face and do little to involve the reader. In fact, often it leads to the reader going into a state of comparisonitis or jealousy, both fairly ugly traits to attract.

When thinking of sharing this type of post, many people keep invisible by forgetting to share why they're sharing the post for the purpose to the person reading it. That little addition will make a huge difference to those that you want to work with and equally who want to work with you. 

Ditch this because: when people follow you they feel the ugly traits, they'll mismatch and you'll stand out for all the wrong reasons. 

5. Do you ACE your audience?

A - Acknowledge
C - Connect 
E - Engage

All too often whether online or face-to-face, people are left standing and ignored, and acknowledgement of them verbally or virtually remedies this in an instant and renders you visible to them.

It's the best way I know to genuinely connect with the people and who in turn love what you do.

The best way to keep yourself invisible is to never engage with the people who take the time and effort to reach out to you, comment on your blog, your posts, your talk. That's right! Ignore them at your peril and all that hard work you've put in to getting their attention in the first place will dissolve faster than a snowman on a beach. 

Ditch this because: It ain't what you do it's the way that you do it… and you know the rest! 

So these are just some of the ways that you may have accidentally been keeping yourself invisible, so what's next?

What do I do in the 101 other daily business situations Jenny, I hear you scream?

First up, I suggest you go back over those top five tips, put them in place now and notice the results that you start to get from those alone.

Next, surround yourself with more people who think like you and act like you, where you can have these types of open conversations and more. 

If you haven't already joined the free Visibility raising Facebook group, request to join The Visibility VIBES Tribe 

Finally if you know you want more on the spot advice and the ability to ask your questions on a regular basis, then sign up to the 

Then there's standing out on video... that's a whole other post!

Jenny Kovacs | Visibility Specialist aka The Queen of Being Seen

Jenny Kovacs is the founder and CEO of GiFTWiSH a U.K. based business which trains, coaches and speaks to individuals and professionals worldwide in person and online. 

The Visibility VIBES™ system helps strong and confident people who feel frustrated with the 'popularised' ways currently offered to stand out, to quickly embrace their uniqueness & quirks so they can finally own their voice. In easy common sense ways. 

Jenny's Visibility VIBES Tribe is a community of amazingly talented people, mixing their Ability and Motivation in Business and in Life for Visibility both professionally and personally. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

[Free Training] Effective Ways To Use Video For Visibility

[Free Training] Effective Ways To Use Video 
To Get Out There For Maximum Visibility

If a picture speaks a thousand words, just imagine the possibility of video in getting your message out there...?

These days, it’s not just about video, the main question so many business owners are asking is, how can I get out there on video, what makes me, stand out?

I know that in the last few years since being a business owner who could be seen as one of many doing the same thing, I’ve had to navigate the path to standing out from the crowd, without the set up systems, big lists and sophisticated systems. 

I’ve also helped hundreds of business owners who have been both established and revving up getting started, by doing one thing, answering their question “but what do I say?” and the one they didn’t know to ask, “What type of video gets the best results for people like me who are not like everyone else?” 

On this free training, I cover the 3 best types of video for maximum visibility, visibility so effective, it’ll get you out there, more known by Christmas, ready to reap a consistent income in the New Year.

On this video, there’s nothing for sale, so bring your pens, paper and questions and let’s talk live, we’ll cover:

~ 3 Main types of video to use for maximum visibility
~ the pro’s and cons to each
~ time to answer to your video visibility questions

 Oh! and answer that other question, how do I keep doing it consistently when I’m so busy already?

It's all here, dig in!

Jenny Kovacs | Visibility Specialist

© Jenny Kovacs 2016 

Creator of The Visibility VIBES™ | Highlighting the 5 Key Elements Which Raise Your Profile Find out more about how to run the best Facebook Lives here 

Rounder Upper in The Visibility VIBES™ Tribe | A Group of fabulous VIBErs who are getting seen, heard and noticed, with daily help on standing out from the crowds. Join in FREE here 

Sunday, 23 October 2016

The truth about Shaa Wasmund

The truth about Shaa Wasmund 

In the online educational world be it personal development, business development and even spiritual development, there is a lot of BS!

I've had it in mind to write this post for some time, but worried about looking ' 'bottom kissy', however one Sunday morning, I read something which Made. Me. Seethe.


I've never been very good at pretending to be an innocent bystander and watch something play out which doesn't agree with my values, principles or integrity.

And to boot, it's the reason why at least 80% of people who choose to work with me give the reason of not wanting to stand out as "Fear of what people will think about them or say about them and for one person 'do' to them".

So here's when Shaa Wasmund update her Facebook profile

I posted some words and a picture, it didn't feel like I'd said enough

So here's what I really wanted to share …

If "Integrity" is what you do when no one is looking"

Then here's what Sháá did when no one was looking.

First let me give you some context.

I run the relatively small Facebook group which at the time had around 200 people. I love sharing freely via Facebook live and every Friday (and Wednesday) I would pick a suitable topic for the VIBErs and share away.

When I took a few days break in September, I wanted to be able to unplug and spend time with those closest to me and I realised that this would affect the regular Friday broadcast. I had one of those "if-I-could-choose-anyone-in-the-world-to-do-this-in-my-place-who-would-it-be?" moments and Sháá instantly sprang to mind.

I don't claim that Sháá and I are best buddies or that I know her deeply, but what I have seen of her and what I do know of her with our own interactions doesn't warrant a snide comment or dig especially on social media, especially when a person doesn't take the time to see what's someone's about or why they're doing a thing.

To be completely honest in my world, every has the right to be seen, to be heard and not be dismissed even if we think they're talking rubbish, but why oh why do we have to do it with such venom?

Anyway, I've been to a number of Sháás events taken part in her programmes and been a part of her community ever since 2013 when I first heard her speak.

She's a busy woman, she works bloody hard, travels a lot, gives of herself and her time in so many ways.

All While being;

~ A mother
~ A three times published author
~ Responsible for promoting names like Chris Eubank, and brands such as Dyson
~ The proud owner of an MBE
~ A successful and profitable business owner
Insanely serious about getting fit
~ An early riser

So when asked by me without MBE or published books (yet), whether she would be able to do a Facebook live for my couple of hundred tribe as opposed to her, multiple thousand strong tribe what do you think she would say?

All on a day where she started her normal 5 AM start, did a trans-Atlantic Facebook live with someone else who is based on another continent, and had to attend a parents evening for her son later in that afternoon, what do you think she would say?

She could have said, "I'm too busy sorry", "I just don't have the time" or 1001 other things, but you know what?

She. Said. Yes.

We agreed it would be 20 minutes but 45 minutes later Sháá was giving, giving and giving some more.

So to anyone accusing somebody that they don't really know in such a way, without basis or using discernment, I can 100% say, I have seen no evidence of that in the time I've been around Sháá.

… and just in case you're wondering, I'd type this for whenever I saw this type of subtle online chastising of someone who needed it and trust me Sháá doesn't 'need' it.

Too many people see, hear or feel something and keep quiet and I wanted to remind those reading this that Sháá shows up and makes real a difference. That's something for me to continually learn from

"Integrity" is what you do when no one is looking" and no one was looking but you still did it.

Thanks Shaa from the bottom of my heart (and I expect from some of those VIBErs who watched too)

You're awesome

Jenny Kovacs | Visibility Specialist

Join Jenny's Facebook group called 'The Visibility VIBES™ Tribe', here she shares ways to be seen, be heard and get out there. 

Grab your free visibility raising download in the group, watch the visibility raising videos and connect with other VIBErs 

See what Shaa shared last week (eternally grateful to you Sháá, you rocked 🙏🏾) 

Saturday, 8 October 2016

An Easy Way To Get Out There Online & Offline

Thank You

Thank you for being here, whether you realise it or not, you're already making a difference.

Many times when I look on social media, I see post and hear from people just like you that they either love or loathe it, it's a similar story when socialising professionally or networking in the flesh.

Do you wish you loved connecting on and offline so much that you actually get to meet people?

Today I'd love to show you exactly how to get visible, raise your profile and describe what you do without posting links, thrusting business cards, or being removed from online groups for spamming.

Your work really matters: please share what you do with other Visibility VIBErs if Facebook floats your boat, to do that now click here

Here's a great way to introduce yourself

1. Greet the reader in a 'real you way', I often greet people I know with 'hiya' strange but true or hi, this is especially true in online interactions.

Face to face at meetings or meeting new people, I'll still say hi, in a more corporate setting I'll say hello, pleased to meet you but NEVER good morning, afternoon etc or I come across as wooden and weird!

How do you greet people you meet online and in the flesh? 

2. Give your name or nickname, I'm definitely a Jenny and only Jennifer if I'm in trouble (or you want to get my attention).

If your name is difficult to pronounce let them know how to pronounce it properly, say it slowly if face to face or type it phonetically if in a group online. 

I usually announce that I'm Jenny Kovacs at event's or when meeting people, they know how to pronounce my surname then, it's "Co-Vac-s" but with a 'K'

What do you prefer to be called?

3. Tell them where you're from are you in an online group where you're now based in Thailand but are originally from Manchester? Maybe you're over in America but spent time in Europe as a child. 

These conversation starters give a person something to talk to you about and helps to build some rapport, even when you're speaking to them face to face.

When can you next use this nugget?

4. Without adding your website, page or blog give one or two short lines about your business, no one has time to read pages and pages of what you do, and to be honest people don't care THAT much. If they want to know more they'll usually ask.

I inadvertantly shared a Facebook live I did with another group I'm in, I forgot that as well as sharing the gems in the LIVE I had invited people to watch something else over on my page, this is just as bad as adding a website link or spamming someone else group. My bad... I removed it as soon as I realised - whoops!

Now, don't fall foul of being a business card thruster! When you're meeting people at networking event's or seminars etc, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT push a business card into their hand, it's not cool and it's not clever! Either wait until you're asked, or ask, can I share my business with you, with a honest reason why. (and be prepared for the person to say "no thanks".

Be honest, have you done this?

5. Let people know what attracted you to the group whether live or online, this is a great way to open up the conversation in the flesh or engage while online. Let them know the value you can give and/or gain, (without adding links to your 'stuff or card thrusting)

Want some practice? 

Go and introduce or reintroduce yourself in the closed Facebook Group The Visibility VIBEs Tribe, you'll also be able to receive other visibility nuggets, meet great people and get offers there too.

Jenny Kovacs | Visibility Specialist

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Do you feel like it's too late?...

Here's a 60 second video tip to smooth it out...

Jenny Kovacs shows outstanding people in great businesses how to be visible, make a difference and stand out to those who need their products, services or results. 

She is the creator of the Visibility VIBES™ system, a tried and tested method that helps business owners and employees to promote their strengths through what they say to the people around them and the clients they are trying to find. 

Get seen, get heard, get noticed, in a good way, your way... to receive more visibility tips and techniques in a community of other likeminded VIBErs 

>> click here <<<

Join The Visibility VIBES Tribe Facebook Group

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

The truth about giving up!

I’ve spent the last few months decluttering, searching deeply, asking important questions from myself and my life both personally and professionally. What I realised, is that there was one main thing I had to do, what was that?

I had to…  

Give up. 

Give up …assumptions. 
Give up …wasting time. 
Give up …seeking approval. 
Give up …complaining (still working on that one). 
Give up …spending time with people, places or things which don’t light me up. 

That last one, has led to this piece, but let me say a little about the others first. 

Assumptions ~ That others have it better, easier, by chance, entitlement or through something I assume I don’t have. 

Wasting time ~ You’re likely bored hearing about the 5am stuff, but it’s been huge for me and even more huge thanks to Shaa Wasmund for this golden technique. 

Seeking approval ~ checking with anyone else other than myself before doing anything, this is like kryptonite to confidence. 

Complaining ~ about situations, events or occurrences especially complaining to a person who can’t put it right or do anything to alleviate or resolve my complaint. 

Initially, “Give up spending time with people, places or things which don’t light me up” , looks pretty harsh, but here’s what it actually meant for me.

I decided this summer that I wanted to majorly declutter, I’ve decluttered before but this time I felt compelled and started from a place of, “How does the person who is x,y,z live, act or be? I started to look at my belongings and as I picked the items up, I asked myself a simple question, I asked myself how that item made me feel? The answers which came back were surprising. 

You see, when you look at items in that way, you experience the overdue memories held, times when things ’should have been’, the clothing which when you wore it, made you feel less than, and the places you revisit which made your heart sink. That top I couldn’t wear comfortably without my bra straps showing and that favourite piece which had a little hole in it which I spent the whole time trying to disguise. 

The books which sat on my shelf, got moved around from the marital home, into the separated and newly single pad and the really costly storage unit they lived in in between. The designer purse, a gift from bygone people, the copious notebooks filled with detailed notes, big dreams and careful plans, the pairs of shoes, everywhere especially the 10+ pairs in my car, which had itself become a storage unit and stark reminder of a life I no longer lived, a position I no longer held, a sector crippled into collapse, a reminder of the redundancy as my role became a victim of the economic financial ‘crisis’. 

The bit that others don’t always get or think about though, are the people… 

That final one, “Give up spending time with people, places or things which don’t light me up”

Initially “Give up spending time with people, which don’t light me up” looks pretty harsh, but here’s what it actually meant for me

We all know at least one person who can be either negative, spiteful, embarrassing, energy draining or unsupportive and we just don’t feel great around them, yet it’s common for people to choose to stay connected with those people in life and online and it was some of those traits I looked at with the filter of “how does the person who does x,y,z live, act or be?

Here’s the rub.

If you’re spending time with people who are negative, spiteful, embarrassing, energy draining, unsupportive or something else, you’ll feel these things more often at a time when it's likely you want to feel differently. When you’re stretching and looking to do new things you want to surround yourself with people who will cheer you on, support you and are completely in tune with what you’re looking to achieve. If not, you’ll find your confidence, tenacity, positivity, and will, being challenged. Sometimes, it’s ok to take a step back while staying in relationship with them, it's also important to know when to vet what you share with them too.

If they’re so negative and don’t get that stepping back piece, that’s ok too, you don’t need to absorb what’s not going to support you, and there’s no need to spend time or energy correcting, judging or 'fixing' them.

During the last round of decluttering, when I realised that my car mostly sat parked on the side of the road in London, was filled with old memories of an old lifestyle, and didn’t fill me with joy.

I gave that up too.  

Once you're ready to step up and be even more visible there's a whole heap of people who are ready to support you, including me! Who do you want to be? 

Join the free Visibility VIBES Tribe Facebook group, where your posts will only show to others in the group!  >>> Click here to request to join <<<

Jenny Kovacs ~ Visibility Specialist

PS If you're wondering how you can work with me privately, let's schedule a time to talk about what you need, click the box below to set up a call.
Jenny, can you help me? I want a Private Day with you!

Jenny Kovacs is known as, the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ because she activates your ability to be Visible, to be seen, heard and noticed. Jenny shares quick, effective, easy to implement techniques.