Friday, 13 November 2015

[Vlog] How to Overcome Disappointment

[Vlog] How to Overcome Disappointment

If you or someone you know has experienced a sense of disappointment or had to overcome a disappointment recently, this video is definitely for you.

In this video you'll hear more about: 

~ overcoming disappointment
~ emotions associated with disappointment 
~ the most helpful question to ask yourself


Jenny Kovacs

Please enjoy your free Visibility raising gift here

Jenny Kovacs is known as "The Queen of Being Seen" and creator of the Visibility VIBES™ system, helps you to raise your visibility so that your clients, readers and audience find & work with the real you.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

::: Are You a Visibility Ghost? :::

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Ghostly Goings On...

Oh Yes! I’m jumping on the Halloween bandwagon, but with good cause...
Are you being a visibility ghost? Do you even believe in them or know what they are?
You’ll know if you're a visibility ghost when you; 
~ See other people and businesses getting out there, but when it comes to you, you freeze with fright and can’t get started or maintain momentum.
~ Hear other peoples great ideas, phrases or expressions and your sixth sense feels like the best way forward is to model theirs until you’ve found yours
~ Often feel like you’ve got too much to do to get out there, and it feels frightful to keep out there and when you try to keep up with it all, you wear yourself out.
Halloween Health Warning...
Before I dispense 3 quick pain killer cures, know that painkillers temporarily fix the pain, but in order to permanently, solve the underlying cause diagnostic action is required and I’ll let you know how to get a free diagnosis after you taken the painkillers.

Cauldron Cure 1
Fright and lack of momentum in visibility, often come from not feeling 100% confident with what you’re putting out there or not knowing exactly how, for you or your business. The painkiller cure is to get your leverage lenses on and go for the smallest thing that would make the biggest difference to you. Decide, pick and focus on that first.

Cauldron Cure 2
Appreciating or resonating with someone else’s great idea, means that their message speaks to you. When a person attempts to recreate someone else’s work, it contains someone else vibe and energy and means that no matter how hard you try it just doesn’t fly. 
So the painkilling cure here is to explore, your work, what you do and how you do it uniquely. Focus on what you do with your clients and how you do it. The pattern will soon emerge, and you’ll realise that you have your own way, your own vibe and your own step by step process. It’ll also mean that your frustration levels will drop when you think that they can’t hear you, and their interest in what you do will soar as you find your voice.
Cauldron Cure 3
At the risk of sounding boring, having a little structure in place will most definitely provide a calm and enjoyable work life which is in harmony with your home and private life too. Structure has allowed me to be free to create and work without the ‘writers block’, feeling stuck or not knowing what to post, when.
Painkiller Work with the time you actually have, so if you’re a working mother with a family to look after, establish when you have specific time to work. If you’re growing a business and working at the same time you’ll need to create time to do both or maybe you’re expanding in your veteran business, and you require a framework so you feel less overwhelmed.
Plan your activities in blocks, for example, writing, admin, calls, etc so that you’re not switching from task to task within a working day. The also allows you to harness and use your energy, in the best way, for you, for your life and your business.
Those cauldron cures are effective pain killers, but once you have a diagnosis you’ll be able to uncover the underlying cause, to your visibility ghostly ways, no tricks just treats!
Treat 1 - Subscribe here for regular Visibility Videos

Treat 2 - Get your Free Visibility Raising Guide Workbook & Audio here 
Treat 3 - Reserve your Visibility Diagnostic Spot by midnight on Monday 2nd November to receive your complimentary Visibility raising VIBES enhancing Session (calls booked will take place after 3rd November) Book up here  

Jenny ~ The Urban Witch ;-)

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 

Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you in your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility V.I.B.E.S.™ programme and the Speaking Out Authentically™ system Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically can raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.  

Get seenheard and noticed

Connect with Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook
Click here to watch Jenny on YouTube

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

~ Facebook Visibility ~

I want to share something important with you in terms of Facebook visibility and it's this... 

Numbers are not important in order for you to be seen by those you love or who love what you do!

A post which I love, and have shared on my public page has gone viral. This despite my likes (genuine likes, and not bought likes), Being under 1000.

It shows 3 things;

1. You don't need to have big numbers of likes to be seen and heard

2. It doesn't always have to be YOUR content, often posts which capture our imagination will capture those connected to us too

3. This isn't a numbers game, this is about building community. So it's likely that those who love you and what you stand for, will also love what you do AND what you share.

PS Here's the 'proof', as that's important for people to know too (obviously)

Find me on Facebook here 

Join in the live class (or watch the replay) here

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 

Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you in your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility V.I.B.E.S.™ programme, Speaking Out Authentically™ system and the Visibility & Sales Academy Mastermind™ Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically can raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.  

Get seenheard and noticed

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook
Click here to watch Jenny on YouTube

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

::: Convey Your Brand Story ~ James Hood ~ Interview :::

What's your brand story?

James Hood of Convey Consultancy shares key elements to sharing your story and conveying great content.

Whether you're an individual business, a corporation or entrepreneur, knowing this piece is an important part of raising your professional profile.

So who better to ask than the wonderful James Hood, the content and comms pro consultant who helps you to both create and convey your content.

Watch him & I as we share the juiciest of nuggets...

Tweet James on Twitter @JameshoodInc or @conveycontent
Tweet Jenny @GiftwishLtd

To Create and convey YOUR business, brand or organisations story email James at;

Enjoy sharing your brand story...

Jenny Kovacs
Please enjoy your free Visibility raising gift here

Jenny Kovacs is known as "The Queen of Being Seen" and creator of the Visibility VIBES™ system, helps you to raise your visibility so that your clients, readers and audience find & work with the real you.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

[VIDEO] Webinar Engagement, Stop Attendees Wandering Off

An answer to your question!
Every week I post a video responding to a question I've been asked. 

The person asking if usually a client, a member of my audience, a peer or someone on social media. 

I usually answer it here because it likely to be a question or comment I hear a lot and it's answer will often be really useful for you. 

This weeks answer comes from a question I was recently asked about engaging your audience online during webinars.

This video gives a couple of answers to stop it happening to you!

Go to YouTube and click subscribe for more video tips and interviews 

Jenny K ~ Visibility Specialist at 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

::: Find Your Unique Purpose in the World ~ An Interview with Lyndsey Whiteside :::

PR and Purpose!

Find Your Purpose in the World

This week I spoke to PR expert and coach Lyndsey Whiteside you'll love this interview, if you're happiest doing what you love but aren't quite sure whether you've found it yet!  

With so many ways to get out there and visible, here is a different way to look at it. So grab your pen and paper while Lyndsey gave us some really cool answers! 

Once you're there, remember to hit subscribe and see more interviews and video nuggets, helping people like you to get out there and raise your profile.


To arrange your complimentary 'Raise your Visibility Action' session and discuss how working with Jenny can get YOU out there Click Here 

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

::: A better way to tackle Pain & Problems while being visible :::

Over the last couple of days I've seen examples of something interesting...

As a business owner who is trying to market your products, services or even get yourself yourself out there, then you'll find this message reassuring.

As a successful employee, making your mark in meetings, you'll find an innovative way to get your point across in a new way. 

I've often heard, and been shown that we as business owner need to tap into 'their pain' or provide 'a solution to their problem', the 'their' being those who are listening to you. 

My issue was how that felt for me! I wondered whether doing that exploited someone somehow and didn't feel comfortable with that. 

Visibility ~ Get out there

And then I saw an advert on Facebook…

I loved the advert for so many reasons, mainly because:

It highlighted the PAIN = you want to send someone flowers and if they're not in, they can't be delivered. 

And the PROBLEM = you want to do it as a surprise, yet often have to check whether they'll be there. Meaning they potentially smell a rat! (Figuratively speaking) 

Thus shining a light on the CLIENT NEED, they want to send fresh cut beautiful flowers while avoiding some of the things mentioned above! 

So here's a solution … love it!


Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 

Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you in your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility V.I.B.E.S.™ programme and the Speaking Out Authentically™ system Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically can raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.  

Get seenheard and noticed

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook
Click here to watch Jenny on YouTube


Tuesday, 28 July 2015

::: Influence and Authority Online ~ Jenny Kovacs interviews Wendy Kier :::

Influence and Authority Online

There are so many ways to get out there! 

If you're more of a 'behind-the-screen' quiet type, then you'll love this AND if you're more of an 'out-there' person who loves doing you, live with others, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised because here's another option available to you regardless of which camp you fall into.  

And with so many ways to get out there and visible, here's just one...
So I asked Wendy Kier, some big questions, and she gave us some great answers! 

Once you're there, remember to hit subscribe and see more interviews and video nuggets, helping people like you to get out there and raise your profile.


To arrange your complimentary 'Raise your Visibility Action' session and discuss how working with Jenny can get YOU out there Book Here 

Sunday, 24 May 2015

How to be 'professional' on video

How to be 'professional' on video
Hi Visibility VIBEr!

"I could divide my life in two parts: before turning pro and after. After is better" - Steven Pressfield (The War of Art)

During client calls, workshops and talks, one resounding visibility question I'm asked about consistently by you is video. 

"OMG I could not do video, I look and sound awful" (which technically speaking isn't actually a question in my books) but that's what you say

What basic equipment do I need Jenny, to get started?"

How do I work out what to say?

I usually respond with a "Just start where you are" type of response, which I know sounds flippant, but I actually mean it. 

Here's why, I remember a few years ago I made a video because I felt compelled to share some really useful techniques and to be honest, I got sick of waiting for 'my big break' before giving myself permission to just do it. 
Someone I met had commented and said they had a TV production  background and that a video produced in a studio would be far better. 

But for who? I asked

Because, I quickly realised from all the other comments I received, that my videos were actually hitting a spot and empowering you to create your own professional videos, without a script, perfect lighting or even makeup (yes men too). 

So watch this and tell me if you agree, and notice how I incorporate the sights and sounds too … 
Click to watch this ... Being Professional on video just got easier!
To your visibility VIBES

Jenny Kovacs  ~ The Queen of Being Seen

PS the answers to the above questions are;
  1. It's about them, not you
  2. A mobile phone
  3. Share ONE useful thing that your people need to hear
PPS Click here to get Visibility Activating, Impact making tips and more 

Friday, 15 May 2015

A Quick Tip to Boost your Visibility Online Instantly

A Quick Tip That Will Boost Your Visibility
Hi Visibility VIBEr!

In this week’s video, I’ve got a quick tip for you that may seem small, but it actually has the power to boost your visibility and add value to your business relationships, surprisingly… 
Together, we’re going to take action on this quick tip that I recommend we both do every three to four weeks.
Let’s do this, and then pop me a comment and let me know how it works for you. You’ll see why this is a quick (and easy) instant tip when you watch the video… are you ready?

Jenny Kovacs  ~ The Queen of Being Seen

Saturday, 3 January 2015

[Presentations] Popular reasons people gave for not liking presentations and how to reverse it

Make your presentations stand out Receive these nuggets into your inbox Sign up here 

#1 ~ Popular reasons people gave for not liking presentations and how to reverse it (while building your business and your reputation) 

In 2012, I collated the top 28 most popular reasons my live audiences and webinar attendees gave for not liking presentations. When I started to hear the same reasons over and over again, I knew had to share ways for you to love presenting you.

Regardless of what you do, there'll be an element of your professional life where you're required to present, either in a meeting, when public speaking, on a video, during a webinar, even on the phone.

The list is endless, and so are the many opportunities for you to love presenting yourself to your world in your way.

Reason number 28 Not finding the words you want to use.
Sometimes you may struggle to articulate and find specific words, go through this mini checklist to see whether you've ticked these boxes.
  1. Are you certain of what effect you'd like the listener to experience? In other words, how do you want your audience to experience you? Is it inspired? motivated? educated? or informed? Just some of the intentions behind what we'd often like to say. Before you speak be sure to get clear on your desired effect.
  2. Is your outcome clear or hazy? What's your point? What do you want the person or people to do differently as a result of what you say? Often when we haven't established this for ourselves deep down, it's really difficult to find the words you want to use
  3. Have you rehearsed or specifically thought about what you want to say beforehand (so you're not 'winging' it)? I admit, I'm great at being put on the spot and giving last minute talks BUT and it's a big but (gosh that sounds wrong). When the people you're speaking to are important to you and you're honouring the time THEY choose to spend with you, you'll spend time practising so that the words find you. (Keep your eyes peeled for a great and quick way to practise on little or no time). 
Think about the next time where you're required to speak, put this nugget into action and notice the difference you'll make. 
Speak soon


Make your presentations stand out for the right reasons & receive these nuggets to your inbox Sign up here 

Jenny Kovacs - aka the Queen of Being Seen

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 

Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you and your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible, expressing as your true self. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility V.I.B.E.S.™ programme and the Speaking Out Authentically™ system Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.  

Get seenheard and noticed

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook on Twitter