Ghostly Goings On...
Oh Yes! I’m jumping on the Halloween bandwagon, but with good cause...
Are you being a visibility ghost? Do you even believe in them or know what they are?
You’ll know if you're a visibility ghost when you;
~ See other people and businesses getting out there, but when it comes to you, you freeze with fright and can’t get started or maintain momentum.
~ Hear other peoples great ideas, phrases or expressions and your sixth sense feels like the best way forward is to model theirs until you’ve found yours
~ Often feel like you’ve got too much to do to get out there, and it feels frightful to keep out there and when you try to keep up with it all, you wear yourself out.
Halloween Health Warning...
Before I dispense 3 quick pain killer cures, know that painkillers temporarily fix the pain, but in order to permanently, solve the underlying cause diagnostic action is required and I’ll let you know how to get a free diagnosis after you taken the painkillers.
Cauldron Cure 1
Fright and lack of momentum in visibility, often come from not feeling 100% confident with what you’re putting out there or not knowing exactly how, for you or your business. The painkiller cure is to get your leverage lenses on and go for the smallest thing that would make the biggest difference to you. Decide, pick and focus on that first.
Cauldron Cure 2
Appreciating or resonating with someone else’s great idea, means that their message speaks to you. When a person attempts to recreate someone else’s work, it contains someone else vibe and energy and means that no matter how hard you try it just doesn’t fly.
So the painkilling cure here is to explore, your work, what you do and how you do it uniquely. Focus on what you do with your clients and how you do it. The pattern will soon emerge, and you’ll realise that you have your own way, your own vibe and your own step by step process. It’ll also mean that your frustration levels will drop when you think that they can’t hear you, and their interest in what you do will soar as you find your voice.
Cauldron Cure 3
At the risk of sounding boring, having a little structure in place will most definitely provide a calm and enjoyable work life which is in harmony with your home and private life too. Structure has allowed me to be free to create and work without the ‘writers block’, feeling stuck or not knowing what to post, when.
Painkiller Work with the time you actually have, so if you’re a working mother with a family to look after, establish when you have specific time to work. If you’re growing a business and working at the same time you’ll need to create time to do both or maybe you’re expanding in your veteran business, and you require a framework so you feel less overwhelmed.
Plan your activities in blocks, for example, writing, admin, calls, etc so that you’re not switching from task to task within a working day. The also allows you to harness and use your energy, in the best way, for you, for your life and your business.
Those cauldron cures are effective pain killers, but once you have a diagnosis you’ll be able to uncover the underlying cause, to your visibility ghostly ways, no tricks just treats!
Treat 2 - Get your Free Visibility Raising Guide Workbook & Audio here
Treat 3 - Reserve your Visibility Diagnostic Spot by midnight on Monday 2nd November to receive your complimentary Visibility raising VIBES enhancing Session (calls booked will take place after 3rd November) Book up here
Jenny ~ The Urban Witch ;-)
Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed.
Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you in your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility V.I.B.E.S.™ programme and the Speaking Out Authentically™ system Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically can raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.
Get seen, heard and noticed.
Connect with Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at:
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