Thursday, 18 December 2014

::: The day that changed my life! Visibility as me and feeling the VIBES :::

It was Wednesday lunchtime, and a good friend sent me an email saying “Jenny are you going to this?"

The ’this’ she was referring to was an event which was only two days away THAT Friday, giving me less than 48 hours to decide, organise and drive to an unknown location, with a room of unknown people, about three hours away from my house, including traffic *sighs at the traffic jams* (tailbacks to you if you’re a reader from the US or Canada). 

I was really busy, I had a lot of work to do and in addition to all of that, I was going to be on a training course that weekend, thus wiping out my Saturday and Sunday for any free time to catch up.

In addition to this, the woman my friend was raving about, I hadn’t even heard of before! So she sent me the link to her sales page, so that I could find out more.

In true Jenny fashion, I skimmed through the page which was filled with names of people I’d never heard of before, until I saw one I recognised. This was somebody who had given a testimonial to the work of the event host and had been featured on TV. Well, I thought, I’ve heard of that TV programme and them, so that peaked my interest.

As I looked at my calendar, I thought of the fuel money I would need, the time that would be taken out of my diary and the reasons that I shouldn’t go. After around 45 minutes,which for me is an eternity, I decided to go with my gut, my gut said yes. So I got online, paid the first of 2 instalments, (the day was £497) and decided to go with my gut once again. 

Shortly after I received details of the hotel, which was pretty amazing, and according to the last-minute-accommodation-type-search-engines even with 2-3 hundred pounds off per room per night I’d still be looking at around £400 per night (yes, that kind of amazing!). 

That Friday morning, I left the house at 6am to beat the traffic and only 2 and a half hours later drove into the most stunning grounds of the hotel, (and I mean really stunning), it had a spa, there were huge stallions grazing and in the huge grounds surrounding, a big country style hotel with a very high-level feel, I parked my car, I took a deep breath and went in. 

I’d got there early so had plenty of time to meet some of those fabulous people who were in the room beforehand, many of those people are still in my life today or in someway still connected to me and me to them.

So why am I calling this the day that changed my life?

Because on this day, I met for the very first time some of the most extraordinary, generous, inspirational, divinely abundant, and general all round scrumptious people. I truly feel that day changed the course of my life. 

AND … without meeting them it’s likely I may never have met YOU

What I learned about this day, which changed my life is;

1. Even when you think something might be a pain in the backside to do or attend because your diary needs a rejig and it doesn’t fit with your plans or feels like an unnecessary financial fit, doesn’t mean that it’s not a good thing to do.

2. Sometimes, try as you may to describe an experience for somebody, you can only describe so much without allowing them to experience it for themselves and make their own choices. It’s a bit like trying to talk someone into a new experience, career or position. Once you’re there you’ll experience it through your own subjective experience. Had somebody of tried to describe the experiences and opportunities which followed that day and the far reaching effects it hd for me, I would not have been able to fully appreciate or comprehend them. 

3. Sometimes, that strong feeling in your gut, which might not make any sense at all to anybody else except you? If it feels strong enough, follow it. 

There were people I would never have met if I hadn’t gone along that day

There were opportunities which would not have presented themselves to me if I hadn’t have gone along on that day. 

I would definitely be less clear on who I am and what I'm capable of today, if I hadn’t said yes to attending that day

The things, people and places, I value and hold dear to my heart have become clearer, nearer and dearer since that day. 

I now know what I'm capable of, (and I'm still learning even more of this) as I travel down this life path since that day. 

The way I show up for life, the way I live, the way I act, the things I do, have definitely magnified since meeting those people on that day.  

The people I spend my time with, some are the same and some different. I still love spending time, with the people, who back then supported my business my lifestyle and me. My environment has been so important along this journey even more since that day. 

So next time you’re finding a reason to say you can’t, look, listen and feel for a reason why you can!

Does this resonate with you? Have you ever felt a similar experience? Have you seen something like this? 

Share below your moments when you allowed yourself to say yes and something pretty magical happened. 

Is it time you got visible? 

Friday, 19 September 2014

[The Truth Series] Raise your visibility so that others can find you

Visibility gets you out there, the VIBE get's you remembered

Truth: the whole truth & nothing but the truth

What it really means to be visible...

This month sees me going into my 5th year of business. 

My business is now set up to work online and offline, from anywhere in the world (as long as I have an Internet connection).

Funnily enough this was not my original intention and sometimes felt like it just happened!

Many of the people I meet off-line and online often congratulate me on my business, my journey, my life, saying oh my gosh! You're doing so well! 

Now, while that's true, it certainly isn't always all rainbows and butterflies, quantum leaps and 4 hour working weeks or 6 figure business with millions in the bank! 

I'd describe GiFTWiSH, and my business as a journey, a real journey. Let's just think about this for a moment; that on some journeys we get a little lost, we take an early or late turn, we head in a different direction, or sometimes things just appear on our path. 

Sometimes of those things, we're able to navigate around, over or even under them! Often we can fling the 'thing' in our path out of the way, yet other times they cause us to be seriously delayed or even causes a breakdown not necessarily of the nervous type, although at times... ;-)

During the the last few years in running my business there have been some beautiful highs and incredible lows. What I've come to realise is this:

1) they're unavoidable 
2) they're gifts (sometimes in ugly wrapping)
3) they're useful real life lessons and ones worth sharing especially with you 

Everyday in my life at large, I plead that I serve the people who touch me and my life to the best of my ability so that they can live their life to the best of their ability. I call that 'ability activating'. 

Just this week someone who I helped said that I'd 'started a fire' in them. This actually made me whoop out loud, another recently said she wants 'Jenny on Tap' and a former client and her children often tell me that it's time for 'Jenny on the Telly' having viewed nearly 3 years of me on webinars, Skype, Livestream, YouTube and in recent years Google Hangouts.

Now this isn't a boast-post! It's a confirmation to me, and a public declaration to you of my desire to offer you real value and often, so here's what I'm going to do. 

I'm going back to the start of my entrepreneurial, self employed business journey to share with you exclusively how to get you and your business out there to the right people. 


Most importantly;

WHAT true visibility is 
WHY it matters 
HOW to make it work for you

AND how you'll reap the benefits of making yourself visible so that the people you want to work with can find you more easily. 

Sound good?

Ok let's begin! 

I won't be sharing these gems as a public blog so get them into your inbox by clicking here


Jenny Kovacs | Visibility Specialist 

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 

Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you and your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible, expressing as your true self. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility VIBE™ programme and the Speaking Out Authentically system Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.  

Get seenheard and noticed

Friday, 13 June 2014

Visibility without the Baloney!

As with many things in life, in order to move closer to our dreams, aims and ambitions, it really helps if we can get a clear sense of what we really want.

Visibility is exactly the same. You may want to be known by thousands internationally speaking in world stages or you may want to run a successful local business locally in your town or city, while making enough money to treat yourself and your children to treats.

Let’s start with a few myth busters!

1)   “To be visible, you have to be ‘famous’”

Here’s why that’s baloney: There’s a difference between being known as the go-to person for the thing that you do and being ‘big brother’ famous for not really doing a lot!

Fastest Path to busting loose = STOP comparing yourself to those you admire, they have their visibility journey and you have yours!

2)   “Before working on your visibility, you have to have a perfect website.”

Absolute poppycock!!! Once the people you want to work with, sell to, share your services and products with know who you are, they’ll find you and send people to you.

TRUE FACT, in 2010, without a Facebook page, website or business cards I bagged myself a contract which was worth over £16k.  So what I’m saying is: shine! Your business and your passion and people will find you. With that income, you can get your website built, business cards made, and promotional material created.

3)   “Fake-it-till-ya-make-it”

This is a sure fire way to make yourself appear incongruent with who you really are.

Acting “As If”, however is a whole different ball game! When you fake it, people don’t know why. They can smell that something is off. It shows up in your body language, in what you say and how you act. Worse still, they work with you and end up dissatisfied, giving you terrible PR!

Acting “As If” usually means you behave as if you’re at the place you want to be, in the way you want to show up. It means that you’re happy to share your worth, integrity and sincerity.

In order to start on your visibility path, let’s perform a quick audit to get really clear on where you are now. This will enable you to focus on what your next steps will be.

Remember: this is best written down with pen and paper first. Please know there are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers here.

1. Where are you now in terms of visibility?
2. Do your relatives know what you do?
3. How visible are you on-line on Social media, and how many followers do you have?
4. Do those closest to you understand the value that you offer?
5. How do you answer the 'What do you do?' questions?

Be totally honest with yourself, as you do not need to share your answers with anyone else. This plan gives you your 'roadmap' on where to go from here, showing what's really possible.

Jenny Kovacs - aka The Queen of being Seen
Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 

Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you and your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible, expressing as your true self. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility VIBE programme and the Speaking Out Authentically system Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.  

Get seenheard and noticed

Blood, Sweat & Tears, cuts out the business 'baloney' and moves you towards clarity, focus and motivation. This 5 week virtual programme has started! Pick it up and put it down whenever you want it or need it, to find out more here

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook on Twitter

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

::: 7 Way's we harm our Visibility & How to Stop it - Part 7 :::

It was once said that, your reputation is the thing that's left in the room, long after you leave!

On my own visibility journey spanning nearly 20 years, I’ve raised my profile professionally, increased my income (tripling it to be exact) and become known as a visibility specialist, business coaching on this very subject.

Things haven't always been so rosy though, so this is why I share this with you.

That's me doing comedy in February - It was so much fun!

7. Speak Up

Ever felt like you're the only person with a difference of opinion than the majority in the room? What did you do about it? 

Did you go with the masses? Silently sink into your seat? Or speak out with your reasons for your opinion and why?

Many people in business have great ways of doing things and entrepreneurs especially have the art and skill of looking outside of the box and doing things differently. 

There are already many 'yes men' out there, so if you think, feel or have a different viewpoint about something, I encourage you to speak up! If by speaking out, your idea, opinion or advice makes a difference, you'll leave the room with your dignity, expertise and reputation high and in tact!
Jenny Kovacs - aka Queen of Being Seen

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 

Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you and your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible, expressing as your true self. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility VIBE programme and the Speaking Out Authentically system Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.  

Get seenheard and noticed

Join Jenny LIVE in June & raise your Visibility VIBE live in just 3 days, find out more here

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook on Twitter

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

::: 7 Way's we harm our Visibility & How to Stop it - Part 6 :::

It was once said that, your reputation is the thing that's left in the room, long after you leave!

On my own visibility journey spanning nearly 20 years, I’ve raised my profile professionally, increased my income (tripling it to be exact) and become known as a visibility specialist, business coaching on this very subject.

Things haven't always been so rosy though, so this is why I share this with you.

Previous, as a manager in the Financial services sector, the organisations IT departments often blocked access to private email providers and social media sites. If they didn't they risked staff spending hours surfing the net and watching the world through Facebook. 

So, imagine that every time you walked past a staff members desk they were absentmindedly surfing the net, while you're paying them to work? 

Why oh why then spend so much of your day, checking Facebook, tweeting, and pinning pictures on Pinterest?

Spending hours on the web is just as applicable to how we ruin our reputation as is it when you realise as a manager that your newest team member is losing valuable time. As a person in business our focus is one of our top tools, if you abuse it you lose it

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny shares quick, effective techniques which increase your professional Visibility, getting you seenheard and noticed by your potential clients.

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook on Twitter

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

::: 7 Way's we harm our Visibility & How to Stop it - Part 5 :::

It was once said that, your reputation is the thing that's left in the room, long after you leave!

On my own visibility journey spanning nearly 20 years, I’ve raised my profile professionally, increased my income (tripling it to be exact) and become known as a visibility specialist, business coaching on this very subject.

Things haven't always been so rosy though, so this is why I share this with you.

So you see a person who, to you, is influential. 

Before you know it you're focussing all of your attention on them, hanging on to their every word, or pushing your business and business card onto them! 

You've forgotten something! There are lots of other people in the room who want to get to know you too! They may even be potential clients, collaborators or JV partners!

In my corporate years, I saw many employee's presume that there was only one person worth 'sucking up' to and they ignored, bypassed and sometimes inadvertently offended the very person they wanted to impress... At business events and seminars, I've watched people clammer be ignored, looked over and told "well, my services aren't for you anyway!" ...and how do you know?

My point here is please don't Network, only when you think it matters, in my dealing with a CEO, I once took time to chat with his PA while I waited for our appointment. 2 months later she hired me as her personal coach. Or there's the Beverly Hills Hairdresser who during my hair straightening took my business card. At the end of our appointment she casually mentions that Sharon Osbourne also has her hair done at that salon! Can you imagine what could happen if I came up in their next conversation?

It's all about connecting and people you meet always know someone who might just need what you offer!

Next time you're networking and connecting, why not make a beeline for the person who's on their own looking for someone to talk to. 

Join Jenny LIVE in June, Network & Raise your Visibility VIBE live in just 3 days, find out more here

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny shares quick, effective techniques which increase your professional Visibility, getting you seenheard and noticed by your potential clients.

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook on Twitter

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

::: 7 Way's we harm our Visibility & How to Stop it - Part 4 :::

It was once said that, your reputation is the thing that's left in the room, long after you leave!

On my own visibility journey spanning nearly 20 years, I’ve raised my profile professionally, increased my income (tripling it to be exact) and become known as a visibility specialist, business coaching on this very subject.

Things haven't always been so rosy though, so this is why I share this with you.

~ Transparency WARNING a candid confession this week ~

Drinking too much at the Christmas party or afterwork drinks! You know, at every Christmas party there's always 1 person who takes it a tad too far?

Well, is this you? 

Trust me a very long time ago, nearly 2 decades to be precise! I've went there it was the first & last time I drank too much at my Christmas party! (I had my reasons), but let's just say that I NEVER wanted to repeat that lesson. 

What I learned was that your credibility, reputation and career progression can be seriously marred when you push things too far. My employers at that time were rather forgiving, and quickly moved on… however that night still haunts me! 

If you meet for drinks after work or at lunch time there are still lines which can be staggered across - seriously, stick to just one or a soft drink and keep your professional reputation in tact. Don't be visible for something you'll regret or even lose a job or a piece of work for. 

Jenny Kovacs - Visibility is her thing!

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny shares quick, effective techniques which increase your professional Visibility, getting you seenheard and noticed by your potential clients.

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook on Twitter

Saturday, 10 May 2014

::: [Speaking] - So what stops you? :::

At the time of filming & writing this I was Still in Las Vegas attending the Lisa Sasevich Speak to Sell event. 

Many people at the event voiced their concerns about public speaking and what stops them. 

This is something many of my clients come to me to talk about (and something I love helping them with too). 

So my question is this, you're offered a speaking opportunity which you'd love to do but fear kicks in, so what stops you

Feel free to comment below 

Friday, 9 May 2014

::: 7 Way's we harm our Visibility & How to Stop it - Part 3 :::

It was once said that, your reputation is the thing that's left in the room, long after you leave!

On my own visibility journey spanning nearly 20 years, I’ve raised my profile professionally, increased my income (tripling it to be exact) and become known as a visibility specialist, business coaching on this very subject.

Things haven't always been so rosy though, so this is why I share this with you, so part 3 is...

Ever got the impression that someone feels like they're owed it? Without saying what the 'it' is, we've probably experienced someone who's given off a bad attitude. 

Do a selfie little experiment! 

Notice when these feelings come up for you and observe what's behind it, what started that feeling and what this is highlighting for you? If you're seeing this in team members or those close to you, just ask YOURSELF (not them) this question; 

What would be going on in my life for me, to have me feel like that?

... And that bad attitude...Let's just hope that person is not you, or your client facing member of staff!  

Join Jenny LIVE in June & raise your Visibility VIBE live in just 3 days, find out more here

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny shares quick, effective techniques which increase your professional Visibility, getting you seenheard and noticed by your potential clients.

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook on Twitter

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

::: 2's Company, 3's a Crowd! In Defence of The Power of 3! :::

2's Company, 3's a Crowd! In Defence of The Power of 3!

At my last LIVE event, I shared the importance of "The Power of Three" when demonstrating your expert status. 

You see, 3 in the Visibility VIBE'ing world, connects you to a powerful place where, YOU can sound fabulously credible. 
How visibly credible are you at the moment, really? 
Are you:
1) Able to talk to a group of people at the drop of a hat about your business AND clearly articulate the benefits to your audience? 
2) Do you find when you're at your speaking gigs, people rush up to work with you or buy what you've just offered? 
3) Do you know exactly how to position your expert self when networking, when posting on social media, blogs or videos online and when face to face with your ideal clients? 
If you answered no to any of those questions, then you're not quite where you need to be in the credibility visibility stakes just yet, but that's ok

Here are some nuggets about the Power Of Three:

1. One choice is a restricting 'no choice',  with only Two choices, it's a dilemma. With Three or more choices, you now have some real options and opportunities. This is exactly the same for your audience, listers and viewers when watching and listening to you too!

2. When delivering a message from the stage while speaking, at a workshop or event, the use of three difference spaces not only helps your attendees to understand what you share. It also adds impact, so that you can positively influence them with your message.

They in turn can now take action and it's now likely to be with YOU

3. Giving auditory answers in Three's is the easiest way to break down a subject, in a way, which helps your online & offline audience to understand and digest your words more easily. So that the next time they need help in your area of expertise, it's you they come to. 

In London, those who attended the LIVE event were shown in under 30 minutes, the most effective way to answer questions with absolute certainty & credibility. Which in turn raises your visibility. 
They also had time and space to practise it away from the actual camera, interviewer and audience. This technique is really valuable anytime you're answering questions virtually anywhere PLUS impactful when speaking live too. 
Imagine what you could do, if you had:

- 6 hours, 
- a full day                                   or even
- 3 days 

To raise your visibility, so that more of the people you want to work with could actually find you, see you & work with you? 

This blog post is sponsored by the number 3...

OK, that was a little bit 'Sesame Street' but I'm all for making your Visibility VIBE easy.  

So please share with your peers, colleagues & friends. 

See you soon 

Jenny K 

Join Jenny LIVE
 in London & raise your Visibility VIBE live, find out more here

About Jenny Kovacs - GiFTWiSH 

Jenny Kovacs aka, the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. Jenny shares quick, effective techniques.

Awarded by Lisa Sasevich in her SASSY mastermind in Jan 2014 (after only 3 months) - yup, she's really pleased with that one! Jenny Kovacs specialises in helping you to become even more Visible, she Speaks about and facilitates getting you and your company visible getting you seen and heard. 

Jenny's mission in life, is to ensure you communicate, share and sell with credibility and ease, getting you seen, getting you heard and getting you noticed. 

Jenny speaks internationally on how to raise your Visibility both live and online and spreads the getting seen ripples far and wide, she shows you quick and easy ways to connect with people, while increasing your impact and confidence. 

Jenny loves to travel and you can often find her whereabouts here