On my own visibility journey spanning nearly 20 years, I’ve raised my profile professionally, increased my income (tripling it to be exact) and become known as a visibility specialist, business coaching on this very subject.
Things haven't always been so rosy though, so this is why I share this with you.
~ Transparency WARNING a candid confession this week ~
Drinking too much at the Christmas party or afterwork drinks! You know, at every Christmas party there's always 1 person who takes it a tad too far?
Well, is this you?
Trust me a very long time ago, nearly 2 decades to be precise! I've went there it was the first & last time I drank too much at my Christmas party! (I had my reasons), but let's just say that I NEVER wanted to repeat that lesson.
What I learned was that your credibility, reputation and career progression can be seriously marred when you push things too far. My employers at that time were rather forgiving, and quickly moved on… however that night still haunts me!
If you meet for drinks after work or at lunch time there are still lines which can be staggered across - seriously, stick to just one or a soft drink and keep your professional reputation in tact. Don't be visible for something you'll regret or even lose a job or a piece of work for.
Jenny Kovacs - Visibility is her thing! |
Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny shares quick, effective techniques which increase your professional Visibility, getting you seen, heard and noticed by your potential clients.
Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at:
https://www.facebook.com/Jennymakeithappen on Facebook
www.twitter.com/GiftwishLtd on Twitter
This is something that I have never understood people doing! Maybe it's because I don't tend to drink much anyway, but especially not when I am being "seen" by people.
ReplyDeleteOne person that I have worked with got very drunk at a Christmas do about 5 years ago now, and while the employers were understanding, it's still a laughing joke in the office.
Do I want to be remembered for that?! Of course not! That's why I am always careful about the amount I drink / how I behave at any work-related social event, or anything that could be construed as networking (thinking about it, anywhere that any potential client might see me). I would rather not attend, than turn up and embarrass myself like that. It's one thing to be the life & soul of a party, and quite another to be a drunken mess that people feel sorry for.
Good advice Jenny!