Friday, 19 September 2014

[The Truth Series] Raise your visibility so that others can find you

Visibility gets you out there, the VIBE get's you remembered

Truth: the whole truth & nothing but the truth

What it really means to be visible...

This month sees me going into my 5th year of business. 

My business is now set up to work online and offline, from anywhere in the world (as long as I have an Internet connection).

Funnily enough this was not my original intention and sometimes felt like it just happened!

Many of the people I meet off-line and online often congratulate me on my business, my journey, my life, saying oh my gosh! You're doing so well! 

Now, while that's true, it certainly isn't always all rainbows and butterflies, quantum leaps and 4 hour working weeks or 6 figure business with millions in the bank! 

I'd describe GiFTWiSH, and my business as a journey, a real journey. Let's just think about this for a moment; that on some journeys we get a little lost, we take an early or late turn, we head in a different direction, or sometimes things just appear on our path. 

Sometimes of those things, we're able to navigate around, over or even under them! Often we can fling the 'thing' in our path out of the way, yet other times they cause us to be seriously delayed or even causes a breakdown not necessarily of the nervous type, although at times... ;-)

During the the last few years in running my business there have been some beautiful highs and incredible lows. What I've come to realise is this:

1) they're unavoidable 
2) they're gifts (sometimes in ugly wrapping)
3) they're useful real life lessons and ones worth sharing especially with you 

Everyday in my life at large, I plead that I serve the people who touch me and my life to the best of my ability so that they can live their life to the best of their ability. I call that 'ability activating'. 

Just this week someone who I helped said that I'd 'started a fire' in them. This actually made me whoop out loud, another recently said she wants 'Jenny on Tap' and a former client and her children often tell me that it's time for 'Jenny on the Telly' having viewed nearly 3 years of me on webinars, Skype, Livestream, YouTube and in recent years Google Hangouts.

Now this isn't a boast-post! It's a confirmation to me, and a public declaration to you of my desire to offer you real value and often, so here's what I'm going to do. 

I'm going back to the start of my entrepreneurial, self employed business journey to share with you exclusively how to get you and your business out there to the right people. 


Most importantly;

WHAT true visibility is 
WHY it matters 
HOW to make it work for you

AND how you'll reap the benefits of making yourself visible so that the people you want to work with can find you more easily. 

Sound good?

Ok let's begin! 

I won't be sharing these gems as a public blog so get them into your inbox by clicking here


Jenny Kovacs | Visibility Specialist 

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 

Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you and your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible, expressing as your true self. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility VIBE™ programme and the Speaking Out Authentically system Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.  

Get seenheard and noticed

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