Wednesday, 4 June 2014

::: 7 Way's we harm our Visibility & How to Stop it - Part 7 :::

It was once said that, your reputation is the thing that's left in the room, long after you leave!

On my own visibility journey spanning nearly 20 years, I’ve raised my profile professionally, increased my income (tripling it to be exact) and become known as a visibility specialist, business coaching on this very subject.

Things haven't always been so rosy though, so this is why I share this with you.

That's me doing comedy in February - It was so much fun!

7. Speak Up

Ever felt like you're the only person with a difference of opinion than the majority in the room? What did you do about it? 

Did you go with the masses? Silently sink into your seat? Or speak out with your reasons for your opinion and why?

Many people in business have great ways of doing things and entrepreneurs especially have the art and skill of looking outside of the box and doing things differently. 

There are already many 'yes men' out there, so if you think, feel or have a different viewpoint about something, I encourage you to speak up! If by speaking out, your idea, opinion or advice makes a difference, you'll leave the room with your dignity, expertise and reputation high and in tact!
Jenny Kovacs - aka Queen of Being Seen

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 

Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you and your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible, expressing as your true self. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility VIBE programme and the Speaking Out Authentically system Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.  

Get seenheard and noticed

Join Jenny LIVE in June & raise your Visibility VIBE live in just 3 days, find out more here

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook on Twitter

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