Wednesday, 26 August 2015

~ Facebook Visibility ~

I want to share something important with you in terms of Facebook visibility and it's this... 

Numbers are not important in order for you to be seen by those you love or who love what you do!

A post which I love, and have shared on my public page has gone viral. This despite my likes (genuine likes, and not bought likes), Being under 1000.

It shows 3 things;

1. You don't need to have big numbers of likes to be seen and heard

2. It doesn't always have to be YOUR content, often posts which capture our imagination will capture those connected to us too

3. This isn't a numbers game, this is about building community. So it's likely that those who love you and what you stand for, will also love what you do AND what you share.

PS Here's the 'proof', as that's important for people to know too (obviously)

Find me on Facebook here 

Join in the live class (or watch the replay) here

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 

Known as the ‘Queen of Being Seen’ Jenny Works with you in your business, so that you’re seen, heard and visible. Owner of GiFTWiSH, the creator of the Visibility V.I.B.E.S.™ programme, Speaking Out Authentically™ system and the Visibility & Sales Academy Mastermind™ Jenny speaks, coaches and trains visibility and on how you specifically can raise your credibility while having an positive impact on your potential clients and peers.  

Get seenheard and noticed

Find Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook
Click here to watch Jenny on YouTube

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

::: Convey Your Brand Story ~ James Hood ~ Interview :::

What's your brand story?

James Hood of Convey Consultancy shares key elements to sharing your story and conveying great content.

Whether you're an individual business, a corporation or entrepreneur, knowing this piece is an important part of raising your professional profile.

So who better to ask than the wonderful James Hood, the content and comms pro consultant who helps you to both create and convey your content.

Watch him & I as we share the juiciest of nuggets...

Tweet James on Twitter @JameshoodInc or @conveycontent
Tweet Jenny @GiftwishLtd

To Create and convey YOUR business, brand or organisations story email James at;

Enjoy sharing your brand story...

Jenny Kovacs
Please enjoy your free Visibility raising gift here

Jenny Kovacs is known as "The Queen of Being Seen" and creator of the Visibility VIBES™ system, helps you to raise your visibility so that your clients, readers and audience find & work with the real you.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

[VIDEO] Webinar Engagement, Stop Attendees Wandering Off

An answer to your question!
Every week I post a video responding to a question I've been asked. 

The person asking if usually a client, a member of my audience, a peer or someone on social media. 

I usually answer it here because it likely to be a question or comment I hear a lot and it's answer will often be really useful for you. 

This weeks answer comes from a question I was recently asked about engaging your audience online during webinars.

This video gives a couple of answers to stop it happening to you!

Go to YouTube and click subscribe for more video tips and interviews 

Jenny K ~ Visibility Specialist at 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

::: Find Your Unique Purpose in the World ~ An Interview with Lyndsey Whiteside :::

PR and Purpose!

Find Your Purpose in the World

This week I spoke to PR expert and coach Lyndsey Whiteside you'll love this interview, if you're happiest doing what you love but aren't quite sure whether you've found it yet!  

With so many ways to get out there and visible, here is a different way to look at it. So grab your pen and paper while Lyndsey gave us some really cool answers! 

Once you're there, remember to hit subscribe and see more interviews and video nuggets, helping people like you to get out there and raise your profile.


To arrange your complimentary 'Raise your Visibility Action' session and discuss how working with Jenny can get YOU out there Click Here