Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Why Worry?

As a coach and trainer one thing that I hear quite regularly from my clients are things they worry about.

From relationships to businesses even concerns about family members, and being successful or not, worry about how other people view them. Worry about pending life events, what could happen, what has happened and could happen again.

One thing’s for sure, regardless of who you are, where you're from, what you do for a living, or financial status worry hits everybody at some time so you're not alone. 

Have you stopped to think about how many minute's hours or days a week you spend worrying? If this is you then you've come to the right article so make yourself comfortable and read on.

Tip one - first of all recognise whether you are thinking something through or worrying.  If you’re worrying, note how long you're worrying for and any negative feelings or effects that this may be having on you, the people around you or your daily life. Try asking yourself what's the worst that could happen? and write this down. This alone brings your concerns out into the open and allows you the space to acknowledge it.

Worrying is often driven by FEAR and if you think of this as an acronym


What evidence do you actually have? It hasn't happened and there is nothing to prove that this will happen either so when you feel the fear, recognise it as just that.

Tip two - conversely whilst you're busy worrying, have you stopped to think about an ideal and realistic solution to your worry or an outcome with a much more positive ending than you've previously thought of?

Tip three - Take a blank piece of paper on one side write down everything that you're worried about.

On the other side draw a large circle with a smaller circle inside. This is your circle of influence in coaching we use this to help people decipher the things that are within their control and the things that are outside of their control.

So the next step is this, of the things that are purely 100% within your control, write them in the smaller central circle. For everything else it goes into the circle of concern, everything there is outside of your control, and gives you less to worry about. Based on Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

By Jenny Kovacs (find me on Facebook Here)

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