Friday, 12 August 2016

Are YOU Going Through It?

Today had a s-l-o-w start...

If you think that things are perfect for everyone else but you, please know you're not alone!

Despite having been awake really early, I'd been plagued by all sorts of of rubbish, and things seemed to happen REALLY slowly.

When I say stuff, that stuff could include things like;

lack of sleep
computers crashing
friends who need comforting
rubbish times
heavy heads (and hearts)
massive to-do lists
poorly children
out of order ex’s
demanding timeframes
to busy-i-tis
personal problems
health scares
naughty children
cancelled plans
family rows
bad hair day's
my-boss-doesn't-understand-me days 

Insert yours _____________ in the blank here!

The list is endless!

So for all of you who need it, here are some things to do or be.

1. Be gentle on yourself 
Beating yourself up verbally, only makes matters worse, and inflames an already delicate situation, cut yourself some slack, give yourself a break and ask yourself, would you speak to a small child like that? Likely not!

2. Absolutely know that "this too shall pass" 
Virtually everything in life is temporary, so it will end and it will pass!

3. There's always tomorrow
You might just need the break, this is often how we know, when we refuse to stop

4. Know that tomorrow is another day
It'll will still all be there and you'll function better having slept on it

5. then take some time out, yes really. 
Go for a short walk, take a break, go to the gym, grab a drink or even lock yourself in the loo for 5 minutes!

So what now?

Once you're feeling differently and it has passed, take a moment to write down the life that you want and how you'll choose to feel if it were to happen again. 

PS I'm not going to pretend to know it all, in fact, I am going to invite you to add a nugget of advice of your own  in the comments below, if you're feeling s-l-o-w or you want to cheer someone else up. 

I know they'll want to hear it, and could really need it right now. 

Keep on being incredible and happy

Jenny Kovacs

Jenny Kovacs | Coach. Trainer. Speaker

Jenny Kovacs shows outstanding people how to be visible, make a difference and stand out to those who need them. 

The creator of the Visibility VIBES™ system, a tried and tested method that helps people to promote their strengths through what they say to the people around them and the clients they are trying to find, so you get seen, get heard, get noticed, in a good way, your way.

Follow me on Facebook click here 

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