Thursday, 24 March 2016

Get Visible & Make Videos from anywhere...

Having fun creating your video Visibility?

Despite nerves, fear, heavy workloads, low funds, busy schedules a select went for it, they made video!

Here's how to navigate video to make it work for your life and or business;

1. Better to be nervous with support from someone who trains, coaches and supports in this way, with cheerleading from the group who are spurring you on.

2. Feel the fear and do it anyway, and once you've started the next one, and then the next one, frame by frame, step by step it'll become far easier.

3. When preparing for your business as usual, whether they're live events, presentations, looking after a family, webinars or life as it happens, making 'on-the-go' videos alongside what you're doing, raise your visibility, credibility and kudos. How?  Because once you're doing that presentation and people start looking for you online, they can see a build up of your historical, work, present work, they see evolution and your journey.

4. Video's don't have to be marathon mini films, even the 90 second video has been known to draw people to buy! A great way to enhance your cash-flow and boost your funds.

5. Even when you're 'off duty', your current and potential clients want to take a peek into the person you really are, whether that's time with the grandchildren, playing in the park, their first steps, laughter with friends and travel whether near or far. A tour of your desk, behind the scenes of your workshop, the children making cakes, those moments when captured on camera bring motivation and inspiration beyond measure. 

The next step's are, how to easily do them, what to say on them and how to sell from them ... but I'll leave that for another post.

Taken from the Visibility V.I.B.E.S.™ process, a tried nd tested method to get you seen by those who are trying to find you.

Jenny Kovacs activates your Visibility so you're seen, heard and noticed. 
Jenny Kovacs shows outstanding people in great businesses how to be visible, make a difference and stand out to those who need their products, services or results. 

She is the creator of the Visibility VIBES™ system, a tried and tested method that helps business owners and employees to promote their strengths through what they say to the people around them and the clients they are trying to find. 

Get seenheard and noticed

Connect with Jenny Kovacs of GiFTWiSH online at: on Facebook
Click here to watch Jenny on YouTube

Monday, 21 March 2016

::: Why you're not just average :::

You say: I need to stand out from the competition, but there are hundreds of people who do what I do. 

I say: Poppycock! (Or something a little more colourful) 

When I pulled into one of the U.K.s average train stations, expecting to see 100's of trains which take you to 100's of destinations, I didn't expect to see this! 

What if… ?

This train had considered itself 'the norm' just like all of the other trains in the station?

 It wouldn't have stood out! 

With a few extra internal accessories, a colourful lick of paint and a unique name to personalise it all, this train got out there and stood out! 

How do you stand out? 

Do you try to whistle louder than the other trains or do you do something different, something uniquely you? 

Friday, 18 March 2016

Visibility Faux Pas ~ That stuff that you don't do on purpose!

When getting new clients, it's an open invitation for people to buy your products and services, and it should be exactly that, an open invitation to which a person can respond yes or no... comfortably. 

So why do so many allow their desperation to get in the way of new clients, customers or prospects?

It's weird because much like dating… people smell desperation a mile off! 

Here are some Visibility Sales 'do's and 'don'ts' 

DONT pretend you want to chat and then try to hard sell your products programs and services. 

DO be open that there "might be a chance for us to work together", then ask, "shall we explore that?"


DONT spam their timeline or inbox with your stuff without their permission

DO share a post without links in your groups, the ones where you interact and engage, not just promote. Ensure someone has sign up legitimately to receive your emails, so that they can unsubscribe if they want to. 

DONT send unsolicited messages to unsuspecting people on social media

DO remember that social media is just that, so be sociable, if you're connected to someone who's not expecting your a barrage of private sales messages from you, don't be surprised at getting a barrage of abuse, and a damaged reputation to boot!

The 'vibe' is a sale based on connection and trust, and trust me when I say these make much juicer clients. customers and advocates of your business.

Jenny Kovacs shows outstanding people in great businesses how to be visible, make a difference and stand out to those who need their products, services or results. 

She is the creator of the Visibility VIBES™ system, a tried and tested method that helps business owners and employees to promote their strengths through what they say to the people around them and the clients they are trying to find. 

Get seen, get heard, get noticed, in a good way, your way.

© GiFTWiSH Ltd 2016 ~ taken from the Visibility VIBES™

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Visibility on Video the Easier Way

Most people don't like doing video. 

They say;

 "I'm not technical"

"I don't like being on camera"

"I'll do it once I've got a decent camera & proper lighting" 

Here's the truth! 

None of that matters! 

Especially if you've got a phone which can make videos. (Most these days do). It's the easiest way to make a lasting impression AND give people a taste of how lovely you are. 

See? "easy peasey lemon squeezey" 

It only takes 30 seconds to make a video, WATCH here

Jenny Kovacs shows outstanding people in great businesses how to be visible, make a difference and stand out to those who need their products, services or results. 

She is the creator of the Visibility VIBES™ system, a tried and tested method that helps business owners and employees to promote their strengths through what they say to the people around them and the clients they are trying to find. 

Get seen, get heard, get noticed, in a good way, your way.

© GiFTWiSH Ltd 2016 ~ taken from the Visibility VIBES™

 #tipsandtechniques  #raiseyourprofile #beheard