Sunday, 24 May 2015

How to be 'professional' on video

How to be 'professional' on video
Hi Visibility VIBEr!

"I could divide my life in two parts: before turning pro and after. After is better" - Steven Pressfield (The War of Art)

During client calls, workshops and talks, one resounding visibility question I'm asked about consistently by you is video. 

"OMG I could not do video, I look and sound awful" (which technically speaking isn't actually a question in my books) but that's what you say

What basic equipment do I need Jenny, to get started?"

How do I work out what to say?

I usually respond with a "Just start where you are" type of response, which I know sounds flippant, but I actually mean it. 

Here's why, I remember a few years ago I made a video because I felt compelled to share some really useful techniques and to be honest, I got sick of waiting for 'my big break' before giving myself permission to just do it. 
Someone I met had commented and said they had a TV production  background and that a video produced in a studio would be far better. 

But for who? I asked

Because, I quickly realised from all the other comments I received, that my videos were actually hitting a spot and empowering you to create your own professional videos, without a script, perfect lighting or even makeup (yes men too). 

So watch this and tell me if you agree, and notice how I incorporate the sights and sounds too … 
Click to watch this ... Being Professional on video just got easier!
To your visibility VIBES

Jenny Kovacs  ~ The Queen of Being Seen

PS the answers to the above questions are;
  1. It's about them, not you
  2. A mobile phone
  3. Share ONE useful thing that your people need to hear
PPS Click here to get Visibility Activating, Impact making tips and more 

Friday, 15 May 2015

A Quick Tip to Boost your Visibility Online Instantly

A Quick Tip That Will Boost Your Visibility
Hi Visibility VIBEr!

In this week’s video, I’ve got a quick tip for you that may seem small, but it actually has the power to boost your visibility and add value to your business relationships, surprisingly… 
Together, we’re going to take action on this quick tip that I recommend we both do every three to four weeks.
Let’s do this, and then pop me a comment and let me know how it works for you. You’ll see why this is a quick (and easy) instant tip when you watch the video… are you ready?

Jenny Kovacs  ~ The Queen of Being Seen