Tuesday, 8 November 2016

[Free Training] Effective Ways To Use Video For Visibility

[Free Training] Effective Ways To Use Video 
To Get Out There For Maximum Visibility

If a picture speaks a thousand words, just imagine the possibility of video in getting your message out there...?

These days, it’s not just about video, the main question so many business owners are asking is, how can I get out there on video, what makes me, stand out?

I know that in the last few years since being a business owner who could be seen as one of many doing the same thing, I’ve had to navigate the path to standing out from the crowd, without the set up systems, big lists and sophisticated systems. 

I’ve also helped hundreds of business owners who have been both established and revving up getting started, by doing one thing, answering their question “but what do I say?” and the one they didn’t know to ask, “What type of video gets the best results for people like me who are not like everyone else?” 

On this free training, I cover the 3 best types of video for maximum visibility, visibility so effective, it’ll get you out there, more known by Christmas, ready to reap a consistent income in the New Year.

On this video, there’s nothing for sale, so bring your pens, paper and questions and let’s talk live, we’ll cover:

~ 3 Main types of video to use for maximum visibility
~ the pro’s and cons to each
~ time to answer to your video visibility questions

 Oh! and answer that other question, how do I keep doing it consistently when I’m so busy already?

It's all here, dig in!

Jenny Kovacs | Visibility Specialist

© Jenny Kovacs 2016 

Creator of The Visibility VIBES™ | Highlighting the 5 Key Elements Which Raise Your Profile Find out more about how to run the best Facebook Lives here 

Rounder Upper in The Visibility VIBES™ Tribe | A Group of fabulous VIBErs who are getting seen, heard and noticed, with daily help on standing out from the crowds. Join in FREE here